AKINow: Recovery/Post-AKI Workgroup
Workgroup Mission:
Determine gaps in care for survivors of AKI and propose collaborative solutions that promote rescue, recovery, and long-term kidney health.
Determining Gaps in Care of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Survivors
- RecordedMay 3, 2022
This focus group session, offered by the ASN AKINow Recovery Workgroup, provided an opportunity for attendees to discuss early discharge planning, interventions to impact post-AKI care, and challenges and opportunities in the care of AKI survivors.

AKINow Recovery Workgroup Aims
Post-Acute Kidney Injury on Dialysis (AKI-D) Care: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Evidence-Based Practice
Post-Acute Kidney Injury on Dialysis (AKI-D) Care: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Evidence-Based Practice
- Recorded September 28, 2021