Kidney Self-Assessment Program (KSAP)
About KSAP
KSAP is an online self-assessment program that offers Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Part 2 Maintenance of Certification (MOC) and is available for purchase. This program reviews the essentials of nephrology for fellows preparing for initial certification, practicing nephrologists preparing for recertification, and practitioners who want to refresh their understanding of the core elements of nephrology. The case-based questions and answers study tool is based on the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Examination Blueprint.
Each module is designed to include content from each of the ten ABIM nephrology blueprint categories and target the same content distribution as the exam. Questions in each module are unique and address different competencies within the blueprint categories to explore the breadth of material that may be encountered on the secure exam.
If you have questions or need support, please email education@asn-online.org.
What's the difference between KSAP and NephSAP?
Each issue of NephSAP is dedicated to a specific theme, i.e., to a specific area of clinical nephrology, hypertension, dialysis, and transplantation, and consists of an editorial on an important evolving topic, a detailed syllabus that reviews recent publications, and clinically oriented self-assessment questions, to serve as a self-study device. Over the course of 24 months, all clinically relevant and key elements of nephrology are reviewed and updated.
KSAP is composed of clinically oriented questions based on case vignettes. Unlike NephSAP, KSAP does not have a syllabus. Each question includes a detailed response that outlines both the approach to the clinical scenario at hand and the best answer. References are provided from either recent well-done reviews from major and easily accessible journals or the classic original reference.
What is the Cost of Each Module?
All modules are free to ASN members. Non-members can access each module for $200.
View KSAP Issues
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