ASN's Mission

To create a world without kidney diseases, the ASN Alliance for Kidney Health elevates care by educating and informing, driving breakthroughs and innovation, and advocating for policies that create transformative changes in kidney medicine throughout the world.

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Contact ASN

1401 H St, NW, Ste 900, Washington, DC 20005


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Education & Meetings: Other Meetings

Start/End Dates Meeting/Conference Title Location
July 29 - August 2, 2024 50th Annual Renal Disease & Electrolyte Disorders Course 2024 The Village at Breckenridge, Colorado
August 12 - August 16, 2024 12th Vanderbilt Mouse Kidney Injury Workshop Nashville, TN
August 28 - August 31, 2024 21st Congress of the International Society of Renal Nutrition & Metabolism (ICRNM 2024) India Hyderabad, India
September 11 - September 15, 2024 International Neonatal Nephrology Symposium Birmingham, AL
December 13 - December 15, 2024 5th International Congress of Chinese Nephrologists- Hong Kong Society of Nephrology Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 (ICCN 2024) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong SAR
January 30 - February 1, 2025 44th Annual Advanced Nephrology: Nephrology for the Consultant Catamaran Resort and Spa, 3999 Mission Blvd, San Diego 92109

If you are interested in adding your meeting to this list, please contact