Kidney Week 2024: Social Media Toolkit
#KidneyWk is the world's premier nephrology meeting and aims to promote innovation within the kidney community by connecting over 12,000 professionals. ASN is striving to help create a world without kidney diseases and hosts this annual meeting to promote cross-disciplinary discussion on the impact of kidney diseases, uplift patient perspectives, foster growing interest for the field of nephrology, and more.
Purpose of This Toolkit
This toolkit aims to introduce partner organizations and key influencers to #KidneyWk and help drive engagement among their base of supporters via social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Threads, and X.
How You Can Help
- Copy and paste the suggested social media posts to your social platforms to share information about the meeting with your followers.
- Add the #KidneyWk hashtag to your social posts and tag @ASNKidney to engage with ASN via your personal or organizational accounts.
- Follow @ASNKidney on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Threads, and X. Share ASN's content, ensuring you use the #KidneyWk hashtag.
- Attend the meeting October 23-27, in San Diego, CA, and post photos of your time there with the #KidneyWk hashtag.
Use existing hashtags about related topics to foster increased visibility. These could include:
- #KidneyWk
- #Nephrology
- #Kidneydisease
- #Healthcare
- #Sandiego
Graphics for X
Graphics for Facebook or Instagram
Suggested Threads or X Posts
- Join 12,000+ kidney professionals to discuss the latest research and innovation in kidney care. #KidneyWk is the world's premier nephrology meeting, uniting multi-disciplinary professionals and patients to create a world without kidney diseases. Register: https://bit.ly/KW24reg
- #KidneyWk is almost here! Join us and @ASNKidney at the world's premier nephrology meeting this October. This meeting will feature late-breaking clinical research, engaging plenaries, multi-disciplinary discussions, and more. Reserve your spot: https://bit.ly/KW24reg
- I'm attending #KidneyWk and hope to see you there! @ASNKidney will feature a variety of learning pathways, including Diabetic Kidney Disease, Genetic Diseases, Hypertension and Cardiorenal Disorders, MBD, Onconephrology, and more. Join me: https://bit.ly/KW24reg
Suggested Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn Posts
When posting on Facebook or LinkedIn, please tag the American Society of Nephrology. Unlike X, Facebook and LinkedIn do not automatically tag pages by including @ + a handle. You must manually select them.
Additionally, please note that Instagram does not allow for hyperlinks in captions. You are welcome to include the link in your bio and direct your followers to the link by adding, "Click the link in my bio to read more," to your caption.
- #KidneyWk is a great place to network with a global community of over 12,000 kidney professionals. Join ASN in San Diego for the world's premier nephrology meeting to discuss the latest research and discoveries. Register today: https://bit.ly/KW24reg
- Join the discussion on advancing kidney care at #KidneyWk. Connect with professionals from other disciplines and challenge your own knowledge. Consider a new clinical perspective with kidney-related discussions on cardiorenal disorders, DKD, genetics, MBD, onconephrology, and more. Join me in San Diego and let's expand our understanding together: https://bit.ly/KW24reg
- I'm attending #KidneyWk and hope to see you there! The American Society of Nephrology features a robust meeting highlighting two late-breaking clinical trial sessions, four engaging plenaries, cross-disciplinary discussions, and more. Join me there: https://bit.ly/KW24reg