Josephine P. Briggs, MD, Secretary Treasurer

Dr. Josephine Briggs is a nephrologist and clinical researcher who currently serves as Editor in Chief of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN), the leading journal of kidney disease. She served for approximately 20 years in leadership positions at the NIH, including serving as Director of the KUH Division in NIDDK from 1996 to 2007, and Director of NCCIH from 2008 to 2017. While at the NIH she was the founding director of the Precision Medicine Initiative, co-director of the NIH Collaboratory and a member of the NIH Steering Committee. She is a graduate of Radcliffe College and Harvard Medical School and did post-graduate training at Mount Sinai Medical School in NYC, where she served as the first woman chief medical resident, and at Yale University and the University of Munich. Professional positions include faculty positions at the University of Michigan where she was Professor of Internal Medicine, Professor of Physiology and Associate Chair of the Department of Medicine. Most recently, from 2019 to 2020, she served as Interim Executive Director of PCORI. Dr. Briggs received the ASN John P. Peters Award in recognition for her wide-ranging contributions to improving the lives of patients and to furthering the understanding of kidney in health and diseases.