ASN's Mission

To create a world without kidney diseases, the ASN Alliance for Kidney Health elevates care by educating and informing, driving breakthroughs and innovation, and advocating for policies that create transformative changes in kidney medicine throughout the world.

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Contact ASN

1401 H St, NW, Ste 900, Washington, DC 20005


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About ASN

Daniel E. Weiner, MD, MS, FASN, Councilor

ASN Biography
Dan is a nephrologist at Tufts Medical Center, Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine, and a medical director at DCI Boston. He is the Medical Director of Clinical Research for Dialysis Clinic, Inc. and Editor-in-Chief of the Primer on Kidney Diseases, 9th edition. He was the former Deputy Editor of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases and was the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of Kidney Medicine. He is a Councilor at Large with the American Society of Nephrology and the ASN's representative to Kidney Care Partners. His research interests include dialysis, CKD and hypertension. He is willing at any time to provide detailed opinions on the Celtics, Red Sox and Patriots.