Nominating Committee
- Michelle A. Josephson, MD, FASN (2024)
- Roy D. Bloom, MD, MBChB (2024)
- Ursula C. Brewster, MD (2024)
- Anna Marie Burgner, MD, MEd (2024)
- Samir Nangia, MD, FASN (2024)
- Jeffrey Perl, MD (2024)
Staff Liaison
The Nominating Committee will (i) nominate at least two candidates for the open Councilor-at-Large position and at least two candidates for the open Executive Councilor position; and (ii) place the names of such candidates on a ballot for election by the Active Members and Corresponding Members.
The Past President is designated Chair of the committee with the other five members of the committee being active or corresponding members of the Society, but not members of the Council. Committee members are appointed by the Past President in consultation with the Council, and should be selected with consideration for balanced representation. To allow adequate time for the membership to suggest names for Councilors, the members of the Nominating Committee should be announced by mail to the membership six months before the Annual Meeting.
Policies and Procedures
Members of the committee are prohibited from sponsoring a nomination for ASN Council during their tenure on the committee. A member of the nominating committee must recuse himself/herself from any discussions concerning a potential candidate from his/her institution. The nominating committee should not consider any candidates from the same institution as the ASN Past President, who chairs the nominating committee. The nominating committee should make every effort to consider candidates from different institutions as members of the ASN Council. As stated in its strategic plan, ASN is committed to "increasing diversity—including age and experience, ethnicity, and gender—at all levels of the society."