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Kidney Week

Abstract: TH-PO975

Care and Outcome of Refugees Kidney Transplant Patients in Jordan

Session Information

Category: Transplantation

  • 1702 Transplantation: Clinical and Translational


  • Hatahet, Kamel, Syrian American Medical Society , Waldorf, Maryland, United States
  • Sekkarie, Mohamed A., Nephrology and Hypertension Associates, Bluefield, West Virginia, United States
  • Alasfar, Sami, John Hopkins University Hospital , Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Taking care of displaced Kidney Transplant recipients (KTRs) is a big challenge and requires having a sustainable infrastructure. The Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) shares its experience in managing these patients who are refugees camps in Jordan.


The screening process started by organizing medical missions to Jordan through SAMS established mobile clinic. SAMS medical missions were held every 3 months. The mission included one nephrologist from the US assigned to examine all KTRs, evaluate their recent labs, and to modify their immunosuppressants (IS) regimen. Others aims of the missions are to assure access and coverage for IS medications and to assess barriers for care.


In July 2016, missions started providing care and medications for 17 KTRs and the number of patients has increased up to 41 patients April 2017.IS were provided and shipped from the U.S and given to the KTRs without charges with 3 months’ worth of IS with each medical mission. No graft loss was noted throughout this period. There was one death due to pancreatic cancer. Figure 1 shows that serum Creatinine measurements have remained stable since mission started.Patients' characteristics is shown in table 1
Barriers included lack of a dedicated local nephrologist to address urgent medical problems, lack of affiliation with a nearby hospital to provide additional care such as renal biopsies, and costs of the IS and their shipments.


Medical missions to Syrian refugees’ camps in Jordan seem to achieve a good outcome in KTRs. More work is needed to reach out to patients in other camps and countries and to overcome barriers. Future steps may include hiring a local nephrologist or developing affiliations with local hospitals.

Gender23 M, 18 F
Age range6-73 years
Patients on mycophenolate39
Patients on calcineurin inhibitor30 on tacrolimus and 11 on cyclosporine
Year of transplant2000-2016


  • Private Foundation Support