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Abstract: FR-PO471

Ten Thousand Consecutive Treatments Using the Tablo Hemodialysis System in Hospitals and Clinics

Session Information

Category: Dialysis

  • 701 Dialysis: Hemodialysis and Frequent Dialysis


  • Aragon, Michael A., Outset Medical, San Jose, California, United States
  • Lim, Brittany, Outset Medical, San Jose, California, United States
  • Prichard, Sarah S., Independent Consultant, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Tablo® Hemodialysis System is an all-in-one system indicated for use in clinic and hospital settings. Features include an integrated water purification system, the ability to produce dialysate on demand, a simplified user interface, and two-way wireless connectivity for data transfer.

This study reports on the clinical experience using Tablo for 10,000 treatments (txs) in the clinic and hospital settings.


Data on treatment performance and clinically significant alarms (air in venous bloodline, high/low venous pressure, low systolic blood pressure, and blood leak in dialyzer) for 10,000 consecutive dialysis txs was collected using the Tablo system and transmitted wirelessly in real-time to a cloud-based, HIPAA compliant platform.


Tablo was used to treat hemodialysis patients in the clinic and hospital settings using a wide range of treatment times and ultrafiltration rates. The average number of clinically significant alarms was 1.1 and 2.5 per treatment in the clinic and hospital settings, respectively.


In 10,000 treatments within the clinic and hospital settings, Tablo can successfully complete dialysis and ultrafiltration with minimal interruption from clinically significant alarms. This data can be successfully transmitted wirelessly to Tablo’s cloud-based, HIPAA compliant server. This extensive clinical experience with Tablo confirms earlier reports of its successful use in smaller studies.

Results for patients treated in the clinic and hospital settings
Txs ≤ 4 hr (mean tx time ± sd) (%)5402 (3.4 ± 0.6) (93.8%)
Txs > 4 hr (mean tx time ± sd) (%)356 (4.6 ± 0.3) (6.2%)
Blood flow rate (mean ± sd)383.3 ± 33.0 mL/min
Dialysate flow rate (mean ± sd)299.5 ± 8.8 mL/min
Fluid removed (mean ± sd)1796.8 ± 1130.9 mL
Avg # of clinically significant alarms (per tx)1.1
Txs ≤ 6 hr (mean tx time ± sd) (%)4242 (2.8 ± 1.0) (99.5%)
Txs > 6 hr (mean tx time ± sd) (%)23 (7.8 ± 1.0) (0.5%)
Blood flow rate (mean ± sd)325.8 ± 48.6 mL/min
Dialysate flow rate (mean ± sd)297.8 ± 20.0 mL/min
Fluid removed (mean ± sd)1758.8 ± 1096.5 mL
Avg # of clinically significant alarms (per tx)2.5


  • Commercial Support – Outset Medical