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Abstract: INFO09-TH

The Indiana O'Brien Center for Advanced Renal Microscopy and Analysis

Session Information

  • Informational Posters - I
    November 07, 2019 | Location: Exhibit Hall, Walter E. Washington Convention Center
    Abstract Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Category: Educational Research

  • No subcategory defined


  • Molitoris, Bruce A., Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
  • Dunn, Ken, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

The O’Brien Center for Advanced Renal Microscopy and Analysis is based around the Indiana Center for Biological Microscopy in Indianapolis (ICBM), and is supported by a partnerships with the Purdue University. The Center acts as a national resource for investigators to develop and apply state-of-the-art techniques in fluorescence microscopy to understand kidney biology and pathophysiology. Our overall goal is further develop and offer an integrated approach to quantitative intravital and tissue microscopy to facilitate molecular, cellular and genetic approaches to the study of disease processes and their therapy to our biomedical base and investigators from around the world.Investigators have access to microscope systems capable of multiphoton imaging and optimized for intravital imaging studies on rodents. Point-scanning and spinning-disk confocal systems are also available, with support for extended periods of live cell or live tissue imaging. Training and assistance with development of imaging protocols are available from expert staff at the ICBM, including surgical approaches to imaging rodent kidneys, preparation of tissues for collection of deep image volumes and for correction, rendering and quantitative analysis of digital image data. In addition, we have added a quantitative 3D tissue imaging core to address the need for specialized expertise and infrastructure to support the collection and quantitative analysis of large-scale, high-content and high resolution microscopy data. Thus, this Center provides renal/urological investigators with a novel set of research methods, quantitative analysis tools and fluorescent biosensors or probes not available elsewhere, tools that will facilitate biomedical research, drug discovery, and therapeutic approaches to Kidney and Urologic diseases.
The Center emphasizes developing and disseminating new and improved methods for imaging the kidney as widely as possible amongst renal investigators( Funding is available to qualified investigators working on the kidney through the Center’s O’Brien Fellows Program to support short visits (1-2 weeks) to Indianapolis for training and exploratory studies.


  • NIH NIDDK P30DK079312