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Abstract: TH-PO1059

Inflammatory Cytokines and Adipokines in Obese Patients with and Without CKD

Session Information

Category: CKD (Non-Dialysis)

  • 2302 CKD (Non-Dialysis): Clinical, Outcomes, and Trials


  • Mahajan, Sandeep, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India
  • Subbiah, Arunkumar, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India

Global epidemic of obesity & metabolic disorders are fuelling increasing cases of CKD worldwide. Besides having higher incidence of DM & hypertension, obesity is independent risk factor for CKD. Mechanisms involved are poorly studied, though obesity related inflammation mediated by shift in adipokine and cytokine production towards pro-inflammatory state is implicated.
We in this case control study looked at important pro-inflammatory mediators (leptin, IL-6, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory mediators (adiponectin, IL-10) in obese with & without CKD, non-obese CKD & healthy controls.


50 consenting subjects in each group were studied. Besides detailed history, co-morbidity charting, BMI calculation; serum levels of HsCRP, adipokines (leptin & adiponectin) & cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α & IL-10) were assessed using commercially available ELISA kits.


Table shows demographic, clinical & study parameters of each group. Patient groups had similar representation of DM & were slightly older than controls. Obese subjects with & without CKD had higher HsCRP, leptin & IL6 than controls & CKD patients, with obese patients with CKD showing maximum aberrations. Adiponectin concentration was higher in patients with obesity alone but suppressed in patients with obesity & CKD.


Inflammation & pro-inflammatory milieu as evidenced by high levels of Hs-CRP, IL-6 & leptin and low levels of adiponectin might be important drivers for obesity related complications like CKD. Larger, prospective studies are required to confirm the same.

Demographic, clinical & study parameters of each group
ParameterControlObese without CKDObese with CKDNon-obese CKD
Age (yr)45.7±13.751.1±12.7*50.4±10.8*49.7±12.2*
Male (%)68706872
DM (%)030*32*28*
eGFR (ml/min)81.5±26.484.2±20.841.2±18.2*^38.9±20.2*^
HsCRP (mg/L)1.5±1.44.2±0.4*#$8.7±2.1*^$2.5±1.1*^#
Leptin (ng/ml)2.2±0.64.4±2.7*#$8.8±2.9*^$1.9±0.8^#
Adiponectin (pg/ml)5.1±1.135.3±29.1*#$3.4±0.7*^3.9±0.6*^
IL-6 (pg/ml)44.9±16.3503.4±153.8*#$894.9±370.1*^$254.3±78.2*^#
TNF-α (pg/ml)99.1±12.6113.4±16.1#136.7±21.2*^$101.3±19.1#
IL-10 (pg/ml)82.3±35.9128.9±36.9*#316.3±126.2*^#115.1±18.6*#

*p<0.05 vs group 1, ^ p<0.05 vs group 2, # p<0.05 vs group 3, $ p<0.05 vs group 4


  • Government Support – Non-U.S.