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Abstract: FR-PO061

AKI Education of Internists: A Needs Assessment

Session Information

  • Educational Research
    November 03, 2023 | Location: Exhibit Hall, Pennsylvania Convention Center
    Abstract Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Category: Educational Research

  • 1000 Educational Research


  • Sanghani, Sahil P., Washington University in St Louis John T Milliken Department of Medicine, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
  • Heung, Michael, University of Michigan Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
  • Kao, Patricia F., Washington University in St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, United States

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the most common complications of hospitalized patients. The pooled incidence in North America is estimated to be 22.3%, and the rate of AKI has been increasing. Many patients with AKI are managed by internists during and after hospitalization. As the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) and the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) are major internal medicine meetings focusing on high-yield education for internists, we examined the prevalence of AKI-related education at their annual meetings.


This is a retrospective review of SGIM Annual Meeting session titles, session agendas, and accepted abstracts, and SHM Converge accepted abstracts from 2018-2022. SHM session titles and agendas are not publicly available. Any session title or description, or abstract containing keywords “kidney,” “renal,” or “nephrology” was manually reviewed by authors for relevance to: A) prevention of AKI, B) treatment of AKI, C) post-AKI care. Descriptive analysis was performed.


Among 5203 research abstracts presented at SGIM and SHM national meetings from 2018-2022, a total of 259 (5.0%) abstracts contained one or more keywords. Of the keyword positive abstracts, 57 (1.1% of the total abstracts) were related to AKI (Figure). Of those, 38 abstracts (67%) were related to prevention of AKI, 7 abstracts (12%) were related to treatment of AKI, and 12 abstracts (21%) explored post-AKI care. Among the 1022 sessions at SGIM and their descriptions in that timeframe, only 2 contained the keywords, neither of which were directly related to prevention, treatment, or management of AKI.


Despite the clinical importance of AKI and the fact that patients with AKI are frequently managed by internists, we identified no SGIM Annual Meeting sessions dedicated to AKI education over a 5-year period. Between SGIM and SHM, only 1% of accepted abstracts over the last 5 years were related to AKI, with a nominal decline in number since 2019. These findings suggest a substantial need to increase AKI education opportunities for internists.


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